New Deal Democrats Official Website

We are Democrats. We work to preserve the Party that protected working Americans for a half century before the drift to wealthy donors took hold.

We protect Social Security, Labor Law enforcement, Medicare, enforcement of the Voting Rights Act, Veterans health care and education, and a tax system where all Americans contribute fairly to the common good.


President Johnson signing Medicare billHEALTH CARE
In the 2019-20 biennium, we promote a policy that expands Medicare to make health coverage available to more Americans, not fewer Americans, with a goal that all Americans will have…


President Roosevelt signing Social Security BillPreserving the Earth
In the 2019-20 biennium, we support the reduction of carbon-burning energy systems and the expansion of solar and wind electrical generation, with a goal of replacing all carbon-burning systems with non-polluting systems at the earliest possible time. We believe that preserving the Earth is the fundamental principle upon which all other policies depend.…


President Johnson signing Voting Rights BillVoting Rights
In the 2019-20 biennium, we encourage the participation of all Americans in the voting process. The Voting Rights Act protected the right of Americans to register to vote for…


bridge collapse in MinnesotaTransportation and Public Works
In the 2019-20 biennium, we promote federal investment in public works, because the public works that were built by the Greatest Generation have outlived their designed useful lifetimes, and because rebuilding what our forefathers built in the…


President Roosevelt signing the G.I. BillEducation
In the 2019-20 biennium, we promote federal investment in education and research. The G.I. Bill enabled whole generations of first-in-their-family Americans to get higher education and …


President Roosevelt signing Social Security BillPreserving Social Security
In the 2019-20 biennium, we support removing the cap on earned incomes that contribute to Social Security. We propose that professional athletes…


President Roosevelt signing Social Security BillForeign Trade
In the 2019-20 biennium, we demand that foreign trade agreements protect Americans. We reject trade agreements that give away the authority to enforce American laws that protect our workers, consumers, and future generations…